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Dian Siswarini

PDG to acquire 70% stake in XL Axiata data centre portfolio in Indonesia
Princeton Digital Group  commits US$100 million of growth capital.
Axiata, Thaicom to connect underserved areas in Indonesia
HTS connectivity provides telecom operators with the ability to expand their networks, launch new broadband services and reach underserved areas quickly and cost-effectively.
XL Axiata enters the black with US$12.25 mil net profit, revenue declines
PT XL Axiata Tbk posts a year-on-year net profit of Rp160 billion (US$12.25 million) from a loss of Rp507 billion (US$38.8 million) for 9M16, ended in Sept 30.
Yonder Music in exclusive deal with XL Axiata in Indonesia
New York-based music streaming service company Yonder Music has announced an exclusive partnership with XL Axiata in Indonesia, nearly six months after announcing a similar pact with XL’s sister company Celcom Axiata in Malaysia.
What 4G revenue, Indonesia’s telcos ask
Since launching their commercial 4G LTE services, Indonesia’s operators say they have not seen much revenue from the service.
XL Axiata sells 2,500 towers to reduce debt
Debt-ridden Indonesian telco XL Axiata has signed an agreement with Protelindo to sell 2,500 of its 6,500 towers.
XL hidupkan kembali layanan paska bayar
Diutamakan pengguna prabayar Rp500 ribu/bulan Menargetkan 1,000 pelanggan paska bayar
Cegah perang tarif 4G, KPPU akan panggil operator
Panggilan terkait mekanisme penetapan tarif dan kuota pelanggan Operator menganggap masih terlalu dini membahas perang tarif  
Peluang bisnis operator menuju era 4G
Operator harus mencari model bisnis digital non-tradisional Masuki era 4G, operator berkomitmen tidak akan perang tariff  
Digitalisasi UKM melalui pemanfaatan aplikasi ponsel
Pendapatan dari sektor UKM hingga tahun ini mencapai Rp4 triliun UKM berteknologi berpotensi besar mewujudkan digital ekonomi