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Quantum Sovereignty: Is Malaysia Prepared? | Digital News Asia

Quantum Sovereignty: Is Malaysia Prepared?

Quantum Sovereignty: Is Malaysia Prepared?

Quantum Sovereignty: Is Malaysia Prepared?

  • National Quantum Strategy with support beyond regular science funding
  • Urgent to revive efforts towards development of robust quantum ecosystem

A quantum computer used by the Cleveland Clinic in the US. The clinic is so proud of the advanced machine that it sits in their main lobby.

Leveraging quantum technology (QT) is crucial for national security, the digital economy, and sovereignty in the immediate future. Quantum physics laws suggest not only a significant leap in communication efficiency and computational power but also a profound transformation in how and through which we communicate.

Therefore, just as the matter of national food security, national quantum security urgently demands greater attention and explicit, well-coordinated efforts to have it right, in a sovereign way.

Of course, QT is of immediate interest to big tech exploring 4IR frontier technologies like AI, IoT, and distributed ledgers.

However, its potential also extends to SMEs employing similar concepts for limited-scale digital transformations in their processes.

4IR technologies drive cyber-physical systems, or "smart networks," autonomously collecting unbiased data through sensors, analysing patterns, finding solutions, and applying them to the physical world. QT is positioned to significantly elevate these systems’ capabilities, effectiveness, and efficiency (Figure 1).

The potential of quantum algorithms to achieve accelerations hundreds of times beyond classical ones signals a paradigm shift, unleashing profound innovation and competitiveness potential, capable of disrupting industries and markets, creating new sectors, and rendering existing players obsolete — a fate experienced by many entities throughout history in the wake of technological progress.

Meanwhile, the affordability of emerging technology solutions is always a big obstacle on the way to their successful adoption by businesses, especially by SMEs and particularly by small and micro enterprises.

Therefore, it is understood that for the foreseeable future, access to QT by SMEs would be only feasible through the cloud (Quantum Computing as a Service). If such cloud services are not available by the local quantum-focussed companies or research hubs (if any), then Malaysian businesses could find themselves solely dependent on quantum-focussed MNCs.

However, to maximise economic and national sovereignty benefits, there is a need for a very systematic coordination of resources nationwide in the form of an explicit National Quantum Strategy with more considerable, versatile, and sophisticated (due to transformative power to amplify the outcomes and impacts for the nation per unit of resource spent) investments —beyond regular science-funding and adoption-subsidies mechanisms.

According to “A Quantum Revolution: Report on Global Policies for Quantum Technology” by the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, as of 2022, at least 46 countries have already undertaken a more or less systematic approach to funding QT adoption (Figure 2). Unfortunately, Malaysia is missing on this map.

In 2006, Malaysia established the National Cyber Security (NCSP) strategy for safeguarding the country's critical information infrastructure with no specific attention to quantum, even though already at that time, there was an ongoing buzz within the scientific community surrounding QT, evident from the explosion of QT-related patent applications.

However, even more recent relevant policies such as the National Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) Policy, Malaysia Cyber Security Strategy (MCSS) 2020-2024, Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint (2021), or Malaysia Artificial Intelligence (AI) Roadmap (2021-2025) do not explicitly mention quantum development or any specific initiatives or efforts in that direction.

Figure 3 provides more details on the voids in comparison to regional counterparts. It's crucial to note that the data presented in Figure 3 is compiled from publicly available sources.

For example, there's a noticeable absence of any homegrown quantum-focused startups from Malaysia. In contrast, such startups in quantum-leading countries in the region (e.g. Australia, China, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea), have abundant mentions in sources like the Global Brand Database and various public reports on the global quantum ecosystem. 

Also, several prominent Malaysian tech companies, particularly those operating in sectors directly impacted by quantum technology, such as banking and finance, chemicals, utilities, logistics, and automotive industries — including Axiata Group, CIMB Group Holdings, Telekom Malaysia, Tenaga Nasional, Petronas among others — are expected to demonstrate substantial interest in exploring quantum technology by now, as part of their broader business strategies. However, explicit indications of such investments are not readily available in the public domain. 

There are some quantum-focused fundamental scientific endeavours and research labs led by very dedicated enthusiasts among academics and students at Malaysian universities. However, unfortunately, these initiatives, at times even with global recognition, lack sufficient interest, support, and coordination from the government or industry, while Malaysia reportedly only “aspires to build its own quantum computer” (AAPPS Bulletin, 2023 33:32) and, at the moment, contributes to developing superconducting quantum computers at foreign centres of excellence, applied R&D centres, and innovation hubs in countries like Singapore, Japan, and their likes instead of vice-versa.

Despite quantum not given sufficient attention in the NCSP strategy in 2006, the Malaysian Institute of Microelectronics Systems (MIMOS) established a research cluster focussing on home-grown quantum communication (QComm) systems. Even though the research appears to have dried up over the years (Figure 4), at one time, Malaysia’s significant contribution to the QComm field was well-recognised by the international community.

This begs the question: what has happened over these years? And come the year 2023, Malaysia has to ink an MOU with a foreign entity to fortify the nation's digital terrain against the ever-evolving cyber threats.

Obviously, some serious gaps have developed over these years that deserve urgent attention and assessment by the current administration.

Certainly, there may be additional quantum-focused initiatives underway. Nonetheless, the level of visibility of these efforts in the public domain serves as a significant indicator of their seriousness, scale, and nationwide coordination.

A portion of the circuitry in the just launched IBM quantum computer which stands 15ft tall and operates in a near absolute zero environment with temperatures colder than deep space.

Also, Figure 3 reveals that the correlation between input-output and outcome-impact columns is very obvious and profoundly underscores the urgency for Malaysia to revive the efforts towards the development of a robust local quantum ecosystem, empowering domestic businesses, and reducing dependency on external sources by following the lead of other countries taking quantum seriously.

The quantum race is fast and furious. As the speed of the technological process has been accelerating exponentially, quantum computers might be here faster than we think. The key question being: is Malaysia prepared to meet this new era while maintaining any resemblance of digital sovereignty?

Dr Rais Hussin is the founder of EMIR Research, a think tank focused on strategic policy recommendations based on rigorous research.

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