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Author: Dr Rais Hussin

Quantum Sovereignty: Is Malaysia Prepared?
National Quantum Strategy with support beyond regular science funding Urgent to revive efforts towards development of robust quantum ecosystem
Deep Diving AI on Steroids: Redefining Survey and Analysis
Urgent need to cultivate essential skills for effective collaboration with AI Crucial aspects of ethics, governance associated with AI systems be taught
In resigning MDEC Chairman stresses need for Board to be given necessary latitude, independence to do right thing
Never compromised principles in performing duties MDEC very critical agency that requires utmost attention & empowerment “Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter.” Martin Luther King Jr.
A year on, a reinvented MDEC
A ‘logical path’ journey of 12 months spread over four phases Of experimenting & innovating, while emphasising radical transparency
MDEC’s new narrative for Malaysia5.0 – reinvent nation by placing society at center of 4IR technology
MDEC chairman stresses objective of a shared prosperity for all How 4IR implemented will differentiate the progressives from the repressive
Malaysia 5.0 – Digital Transformation for Malaysian Businesses
With Malaysia 5.0, digital economy can contribute to sustainable and circular economy According to IMF, Islamic Fintech still in infancy with just a handful of startups
Malaysia 5.0 for our SMEs
SMEs face multiple challenges in a world going full-on digital Digital transformation will improve lifestyles, enable independence, sustainability
I like the Swedish Model (but not for the obvious reason)
Weighing trade-off between lock down and saving the economy Best trade off to preserving economy is not just social distancing, also social responsibility
Survive-to-Restart Package
Tied to its fiscal rule, stimulus packages seem to represent ‘drip feed’ efforts New normal for economic & industry behaviours must also be anticipated or re-imagined
Mind the Mind-Meld
We can either be empowered by new technologies and operating systems that government imposes upon us as a result of Covid-19 pandemic, or be overpowered by them.