MyIX sees over 1200% growth in internet traffic within five years
MyIX sees over 1200% growth in internet traffic within five years
MyIX sees over 1200% growth in internet traffic within five years
- The monthly highest traffic peak point has increased by a CAGR of 53.5% since 2012
- ISPs, content providers who are MyIX members are able to reduce operational costs
MALAYSIA Internet Exchange (MyIX) – an initiative under the Malaysian Communication Multimedia Commission (MCMC), on Aug 22 shared the growth of Internet traffic peering within the national Internet Exchange over a period of five years – calculated from the first half of 2012 and 2017 respectively.
According to statistics derived from MyIX, the average monthly highest peak point for data traversed per second within the MyIX exchange was 222.3Gbps, as compared to 16.4Gbps (based on the six-month average of January to June for 2012 and 2017 respectively).
MyIX chairman Chiew Kok Hin (pic) said, “This shows over 1200% growth in a five-year period; that’s a very good indication of how massively the country’s Internet landscape has developed over the last few years.”
He shares that MyIX network’s average monthly highest peak points gives a clear trend of Internet data consumption in the country each month – which is rapidly growing fuelled by mobile Internet, video streaming, OTT content, cloud computing and social media.
Drilling down to a year-on-year comparison, MyIX network’s monthly highest traffic peak point has increased by a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 53.5% since 2012. The highest number recorded by month thus far is 248.9Gbps - in March 2017.
Chiew says, “We have come a long way. If the highest peak point was 23.3Gbps in 2012 (recorded in July 2012), it now stands at 248.9Gbps in 2017 (recorded in March 2017). This upward trajectory will continue for the foreseeable future as more Malaysians become connected and demand more of their Internet service providers (ISPs) and telecommunications providers for faster and ‘always on’ connectivity.”
He adds that as ISPs and content providers peer with MyIX, they would be literally be ‘bringing the Internet content closer to end customers in Malaysia’ and in turn, will drive lower connectivity cost benefits.
“ISPs and content providers who are members of MyIX will be able to immediately reduce their operational costs – which can either translate to better earnings (margins), or the ability to transfer the cost savings to their customers by offering more competitive data plans,” shared Chiew.
Latest Updates
New peering parties: IX also shared its upcoming peering deals with Amazon and Yahoo Currently the deals are at finalisation and will be announced soon.
Membership: As of June 2017, MyIX’s membership stands at 36 ordinary members, 34 associate members and 18 peering partners, to a total of 88. Of this, several are foreign firms: S.I. Group Ltd (Cambodia), TATA Communications (Hong Kong) and ViewQuest Pte Ltd (Singapore).
Infrastructure upgrade: To cater to growing Internet traffic, MyIX has recently completed an upgrade exercise, which includes increasing port capacity and upgrading to 100Gbps connectivity between its major central nodes.
Port charges: Even as MyIX upgrades its infrastructure, it continues to reduce the port charges to its peering members between 40% to 68%, for ports ranging from 1Gbps to 100Gbps.
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