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MDEC LaunchesTraining Directory to Assist Malaysians with Learning New Digital Skills | Digital News Asia

MDEC Launches Training Directory to Assist Malaysians with Learning New Digital Skills

MDEC Launches Training Directory to Assist Malaysians with Learning New Digital Skills

MDEC Launches Training Directory to Assist Malaysians with Learning New Digital Skills

  • Collaboration with SOCSO cover up to RM4,000 per pax/course – under PENJANA
  • Available to Malaysians registered with SOCSO Employment Insurance System

Some of the training courses available for the SOCSO subsidy.

The Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), during its recent #MyDigitalWorkforce Week, introduced the newly published Digital Skills Training Directory and its on-going collaboration with SOCSO. The latter will provide an incentive subsidy for Malaysians who want to acquire new digital skills.

Businesses that are looking to get new personnel and have plans to equip talent with relevant digital tech skills can refer to this digital-first focused directory catalogue as it lists down all the courses that addresses in-demand digital skills. Those who need funding support – be it organisations or talents – will be happy to know that most courses have been approved for funding under the government’s PENJANA Hiring Incentive that SOCSO manages. Under the plan, should these candidates require training, up to US$965 (RM4,000) training subsidy – per person, per course – will be available for unemployed Malaysians who are selected for recruitment by SOCSO-registered employers.

During its development, the 173 courses and certifications offered by 43 training partners on the directory have been reviewed and endorsed by a panel of digital industry experts. The goal is to guide Malaysians in selecting digital courses that meet their career needs for the digital economy.

To-date, this directory covers all areas of digital skills training – from beginner up to advanced level. The courses on this list consist of:

1.         Data science (50 courses)
2.         Cybersecurity (44 courses)
3.         Animation (19 courses)
4.         Game Development (5 courses)
5.         Software Development (55 courses)

“The introduction of this new directory is consistent with our focus on developing digitally-skilled Malaysians. It will be the go-to guide for all Malaysians and Malaysia workforce on what to look-out for when it comes to digital tech upskilling and reskilling programmes,” said Surina Shukri, CEO, MDEC.

As the latest effort to catalyse life-long learning among Malaysians, the primary goal of the Digital Skills Training Directory is to groom and develop the rakyat via reskilling and upskilling in relevant digital tech areas. These include, but are not limited to, data science, cyber-security, animation, game development and software development for this new digital era. It will certainly address the growing demand for digital talents and will be very useful to Malaysians who are looking to upskill or reskill themselves with new digital capabilities and know-how.

“SOCSO is pleased to work with MDEC to identify and facilitate training programmes listed on the Digital Skills Training Directory. These programmes, which provide much-needed digital skills in the current job market, will certainly complement SOCSO’s employment services,” added Mohammed Azman, Chief Executive, SOCSO.

The entire Digital Skills Training Directory listing, is now available on

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