
Digerati50: Partners, customers and the ecosystem
With his belief that one has to avoid thinking about how to make money from customers, because they can see the dollar signs on your face, Ivan Teh has gone about building big data & analytics company, Fusionex.
Week in Review: Advice from an executive on the frontlines
Advice from an executive who has faced the disruption caused by digital resonates with Karamjit Singh and is worth listening to.
Relook your business models, leverage on data urges ex-Axiata Group CFO
One key way to face the disruption businesses are facing today is by retraining and upskilling their people to become more data savvy users, says the recently retired CFO of Axiata Group.
Alibaba Cloud Malaysia data centre commences operations
Meets growing demand in the region and enables enterprises to run workloads in Malaysia.
Week in Review: Corporate link the winning edge for MaGIC’s GAP
Getting more regional corporates to partner with its Global Accelerator Programme will help MaGIC achieve its goal of strengthening Malaysia's position as the gateway to Southeast Asia.
VLT Labs acquisition to be SEA springboard for Digital McKinsey
McKinsey has decided to make Malaysia and KL one of their lighthouse studios in the region.
Silentmode secures US$582k funding from ADIF for its F&B based mobile POS
Startup plans to use the funding to accelerate sales and marketing, grow its team as well as explore regional markets in 2018.
How planning for the IoT can help drive business success
The number of things connected in the region is expected to increase from 3.1 billion to 8.6 billion by 2020, creating a US$583 billion market opportunity.
AI, analytics accelerate pace of digital workplace transformation
Gaining competitive advantage and improving business process are among the top goals of their digital transformation strategy.
Harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence and machine learning
AI and ML are expected to completely redefine operations, creating new opportunities to bolster competitive advantage.
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Digerati50 2020-2021

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