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Vigilant Asia set to protect Asean businesses, governments

  • Helps businesses and governments understand the threat of cyber-security and address it
  • The first Regional Security Operations Centre will operate out of Malaysia


Vigilant Asia set to protect Asean businesses, governments


CYBER-ATTACKS have become the new threat to users of ICT world over. New attack techniques are increasing at compounding speeds that outstrip cybersecurity development.

Vigilant Asia is the first Malaysian cyber-security company that helps businesses and governments in Asia understand the threat of cyber-security and address it.

The launch of Vigilant Asia by Dr. Abu Bakar Mohamad Diah, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (Mosti) marked the commencement of operations of the first Regional Security Operations Centre (RSOC) that will be operating out of Malaysia.

Vigilant Asia’s RSOC will provide companies across Asean, comprehensive security and help them to detect cyber-attacks and respond to them on a 24.7.365 basis.

The launch of Vigilant Asia is timely, considering the widespread attacks on business by cyber-criminals from around the world.

Some of these attacks, which have been motivated by ransom, such as the Wannacry malware have caused major companies to shut down their computer systems leading to severe consequences to their business reputation and finances.

As the world becomes interconnected, the threat of cyber-security threatens regional trade and finance.

Cybercrime is on the rise – statistics from the Malaysia Computer Emergency Response Team (MyCERT) showed that there were 7,962 reported cyber-crime cases and 1,217,423 spam emails throughout the nation in 2017.

“As digital transformation opens up new business opportunities, companies forget something very important about transformation – security is a key part of it. Cyber-security is a collective responsibility where all of us – governments, businesses and individuals play a part,” shared Vigilant Asia CEO Victor Cheah.

While the Global Cybersecurity Index 2017 ranked Malaysia as third among 193 countries in terms of its commitment to cybersecurity, the majority of Malaysian companies are still unprepared for cyber-attacks and demonstrate significant gaps in security development, cyber awareness and resources.

There is a need for companies in Malaysia to recognise the critical importance of cybersecurity in protecting their businesses, systems and data from ever-evolving malicious threats and attacks.

Cheah further shared, “Vigilant Asia is dedicated to excellence and helping companies across Asean to tackle cyber-risk by effectively understanding (education is part of the strategy), monitoring, and managing it.

“Together with a team of Asia’s most powerful security experts, we have developed a world class state-of-the-art cyber-security system that is online 24 hours daily to evaluate threats and developing solutions with digital security tools that are procured and customised from software firms that are leaders in cyber-security.”

Besides showcasing ‘best-in-class’ cyber-security technology, it also highlights Malaysia’s ‘coming-of-age’, its understanding of technology, digital transformation, security and the importance that these pillars of business play in a modern, regional economy.

“Businesses can rest assured and benefit as they will gain access to our cyber security expertise and tools such as Endpoint Detection and Live Response (EDLR), Security Orchestration and Automation, Endpoint Behavioural Analysis and File Integrity Management, Integrated Global Threat Intelligence, Intrusion Detection, Vulnerability Assessment and Management, Log Correlation and Management, Cybersecurity Incident Investigation and Response and round the clock daily Regional Security Monitoring Service,” added Cheah.


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