Author: Woon Tai Hai
Navigating the job market: Challenges and advice for the employment ecosystem
Mandatory internship may alleviate graduates' work experience shortages
Collab with universities, industries & governments can improve graduate employment practices
Attitudes and Ethics: Cornerstone of tech industry success
Data lifeblood of tech industry, maintaining strict ethical standards is imperative
In the age of algorithms and artificial intelligence, ensuring fairness is paramount
Internships – focus should be on job quality and conducive environment for learning
Pikom contends that the conversation should not be about compensation
Ensure interns receive meaningful assignments, gain industry-specific skills
Impact of AI on jobs: Substitution or displacement?
Brookings Institution notes every tech shift tends to create more jobs than it destroys
Pikom maps out four courses of action, including to equip workforce with AI-related skills
An Expanding Gig Economy: We Have Little Choice But To Deal With The Growing Pains
Low-income & low-skilled gig activities do not add real value to economy
Pikom is confident that various gig issues will be overcome in due time
Pikom signals caution in economic outlook for Malaysia in 2023
BNM expects sustained domestic demand & spending to continue anchoring growth
Pikom sees need to be cautious over strong and sustained headwinds in months ahead