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TM contributes over US$705k to TVET Madani

  • Modules focusing on fibre network and digital skillsets will be introduced
  • Money will go towards scholarships and  upgrading facilities, equipment

Imri Mokhtar, Group CEO of TM.

TM is contributing US$705,607 (RM3.5 million) towards technical and vocational education and training (TVET)  facilities and scholarships and continuing its support for TVET Madani. The announcement was made last week following the official launch of ‘Portal TVET Madani’ and the exchange of Memorandum of Collaboration with the Government.

Portal TVET Madani serves as a reference centre for agencies and training providers in planning, direction, and projection through data analysis from collected data.

“TM is pleased to announce its commitment to the Government’s TVET Madani initiative through a comprehensive programme that will address the entire value chain,” said Imri Mokhtar, Group CEO of TM.

He added that TM has over 430 fibre contractor partners, 880 vendors, and over 90 TM 5G Sphere technology partners that will soon provide graduates with close to 400 skilled job openings.

TM is investing US$536,000 (RM2.5 million) to upgrade the facilities and equipment of selected TVET institutions and a further RM1 million in scholarships for students from the B40 group. 

[RM1 = US$0.215]

TM is also in the final stage of discussions with several TVET institutions to help transform these institutions into industry-ready technical development centres. This is achieved through introducing industry-relevant modules on fibre networks and digital skillsets, the certification of trainers aligning to industry standards, and examinations for student certification. Its partner institutions will be equipped with access to facilities, modern equipment, and technology to prepare students for real-world fibre networks and digital work. TM will announce the institutions involved once discussions have been finalised.

It plans to develop instructors among its partner institutions to provide guidance, mentorship, and support, especially for B40 students.

According to TM the timeframe for upgrading the facilities will be based on the types of upgrades while considering the current available facilities as well as alternative options of delivery based on the needs of the modules and programmes that TM will be working with the institutions to deliver.

It added that the introduction of the scholarships for qualified students of TVET institutions can be made available as soon as the TVET Institutions and TM announce the start of enrolment.


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