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Warung Pintar hits 1,000 kiosks across Greater Jakarta

  • Ready to expand outside Greater Jakarta at the end of this year
  • Opens for partnerships to boost revenue and increase customer base


Warung Pintar hits 1,000 kiosks across Greater Jakarta


INDONESIA-based Warung Pintar, a platform that helps to modernise micro-retail entrepreneurs (traditional kiosks or warung) with technology and data analytics, has achieved 1000 kiosks across the Greater Jakarta area (JaBoDeTaBek).

The kiosks are currently operated by more than 2,000 micro-entrepreneurs and Warung Pintar is planning to expand outside Greater Jakarta at the end of this year.

Warung Pintar chief executive officer Agung Bezharie says that the growth of his company is aligned with the growth of the kiosk owners’ businesses. Therefore, the kiosk owner should always be the main focus.

“In the second quarter, we kept innovating and improving our service to kiosk owners and customers. They are our pillars in this growing business. With the significant increase of kiosk owners’ revenue by up to 37% compared to the previous quarter, it indicates the success of our efforts in keeping our mission on track.”

Warung Pintar also announced its collaboration with advertising startup, Flock, to provide dedicated advertising at Warung Pintar’s kiosks from 37 brands.

“Usually, 80% of the marketing budget is always wasted, and we are collaborating with Warung Pintar as they can provide our brands with each kiosk’s customer profile to allow us to create targeted messages or content to be displayed at the kiosk. It will also help minimise budget wastage,” said Flock chief executive officer Ivan Hady Wibowo.

The commercial will be displayed in TV format and kiosk owners will receive income from this collaboration.

Warung Pintar also provides a convenient place to rest for customers with facilities such as WiFi, charging stations, LCD TV, and the availability of cashless payment options which have been implemented with payment gateways OVO and Go-Pay.

Agung said that the company will launch new products that will boost revenue for kiosk owners and fulfill customer needs though he did not go into further detail when pressed.

“We will continue to innovate by collaborating with more startups and institutions. To date, 34 principals have partnered with us to provide products to kiosk owners and more than 370 products are currently available in Warung Pintar.”

He adds that the company now has one warehouse in the Greater Jakarta area that will provide its own supply chain at an affordable price along with the high availability of products.

Empowering ‘warung’

Warung (in Bahasa Indonesia) as a micro-retail business has been a part of Indonesian culture and the center of a community’s daily activity hub.

There are approximately 2.6 million warungs across Indonesia and the presence of Warung Pintar has also become a resting place for one active community in each warung with at least 12 members each.

The kiosk’s customer profile consists of housewives, school students, and ride-hailing transportation (motorbike) drivers resulting in 1,000 transactions monthly.

Agung tells Digital News Asia via email that it takes some time for kiosk owners to adapt to all the technology and business knowledge that they need in order to grow their kiosks.

“Eventually our technology will also adapt to them in order to achieve our vision, which is technological inclusion for all Indonesians. We are improving the most convenient way for kiosk owner to order, monitor their performance, and add more revenue.”

Warung Pintar provides a high touch business model that requires above average interaction with kiosk owners.

“We have weekly on-ground activation per region, big events with all kiosk owners per quarter and on a daily basis, there is a “consultant” as their friend to ask anything about the business.”

Within 10 months since it was founded in September 2018, Warung Pintar has pushed for independence of entrepreneurship for 57% of kiosk owners, who initially did not have a full time job.


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