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Asia Mobiliti and Monash University Malaysia collaborate in R&D of intelligent sensing technologies | Digital News Asia

Asia Mobiliti and Monash University Malaysia collaborate in R&D of intelligent sensing technologies

Asia Mobiliti and Monash University Malaysia collaborate in R&D of intelligent sensing technologies

Asia Mobiliti and Monash University Malaysia collaborate in R&D of intelligent sensing technologies

  • Apply LiDAR tech in development of Machine Learning applications
  • Real-time vehicular traffic monitoring and streetside parking detection systems

(L 2 R): PhD student Thon Tan, lead research supervisor Ir Dr Joanne Lim Mun Yee and Asia Mobiliti CEO & cofounder, Ramachandran Muniandy.

Homegrown mobility technology developer Asia Mobiliti and Monash University Malaysia have embarked on joint research and development to apply mmWave radar and LiDAR technologies in the development of machine learning applications for vehicle detection and monitoring.

Asia Mobiliti’s commitment for industrial partnership with academia is demonstrated with the allocation of an R&D fund to support a three-year doctoral research for a student whose research will involve constructing detection algorithms and machine learning models using sensor-generated data to enable high-accuracy, robust, real-time vehicular traffic monitoring and streetside parking detection systems. An integrated view of traffic, parking and pedestrian flows for cities and urban spaces will provide for a connected digital experience in urban mobility.

The collaboration will have joint oversight and direction from Asia Mobiliti and Monash University Malaysia with a clear use-case for commercialization. This collaborative approach towards R&D, with the pairing of an established global university with a local high-tech startup allows for cutting-edge research to be conducted with a focus on the market and industry requirements.

The doctoral student will be actively supported by Asia Mobiliti’s IoT development team. To date, the in-house lab has produced innovative IoT devices for telematics and asset tracking that powers Asia Mobiliti’s platform of mobility data and analytics.

Ramachandran Muniandy, CEO & cofounder of Asia Mobiliti explains, “This collaboration is strategic with a longer-term goal and also immediately fulfilling as it injects the rigours of academic research into our IoT research efforts while providing us with an exciting product roadmap for 2021 and beyond. It exhibits our commitment as a startup in building exciting future-proof products while generating valuable intellectual property along the way.”

This partnership between Asia Mobiliti and Monash University Malaysia began prior to the doctoral research when the same student’s undergraduate research was co-sponsored by Asia Mobiliti, resulting in a research paper that is being peer reviewed at present (Jan 2021) for publication.

The research centred on the use of millimeter wave radar imaging and vision-based detection for drones using machine learning. The undergraduate research yielded computer vision and perception methods that can be combined with machine learning to develop a reliable system to detect drones. As drone technologies mature and applications widen, drone detection will be a crucial need to address security, safety and privacy concerns.

As the lead research supervisor, Ir., Lecturer of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering (ECSE), School of Engineering in Monash University Malaysia adds, “This research collaboration further strengthens our IoT Research Lab efforts towards creating a translational research roadmap.  Monash University Malaysia’s IoT Research Lab in collaboration with Asia Mobiliti is actively working on ways to improve the quality of transportation in our cities with the use of cutting-edge technology.”

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