New traffic info on 3 towns for Google Maps

  • New traffic information aims to help commuters plan their journeys to avoid jams
  • Traffic information harnessed from various sources including anonymous Maps users

GOOGLE Malaysia has introduced its Traffic layer to maps in Ipoh, Melaka and Penang, which the company says will be more useful for Malaysian users — especially for those with long daily commutes in these areas.
New traffic info on 3 towns for Google MapsThis upgrade is part of its ongoing efforts to provide Malaysians with the most comprehensive, accurate and easy-to-use maps, complementing Traffic and Transit for Google Maps in Malaysia which was launched earlier this year, the search giant said in a statement.
Google’s Traffic layer (pic, click to enlarge) provides data about real-time road congestion right on the map in order to help users find how to get to where they need to go as quickly as possible, the company said.
Google Maps users can easily determine the level of congestion they will face, by looking at three colors on the map routes — red for bumper-to-bumper traffic, yellow for slow-moving transit and green for free-flowing traffic, it said.
Google said that the traffic data it shows on Google Maps comes from a variety of sources, including government departments of transportation, private data providers, and users of Google Maps for mobile who contribute anonymous speed information through its traffic crowd-sourcing feature.
Traffic data is refreshed every few minutes with the most recent known conditions and as with all Google Maps’ features, it aims to continue providing fresh, accurate and easy to use information about destinations, Google said.
Users interested in trying it can surf to Google Maps to explore and plan your journey before stepping out.

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