Disrupt #4: Time to ‘mobilize’ your business model
Disrupt #4: Time to ‘mobilize’ your business model
Disrupt #4: Time to ‘mobilize’ your business model
- DNA-TeAM Disrupt 4 looks at opportunities in the mobile space
- Two consultants and Celcom’s chief innovation officer to share their thoughts
YES, we are playing it safe by picking ‘mobile’ as the theme for our next Disrupt series. To be held next Tuesday (Jan 22), our panelists will be sharing their thoughts on what the key trends in the mobile space are going to be, this year and beyond.
And, which trends would they adopt or leverage on if they were to launch their own start-ups! Yes, we are getting personal.
They will argue the case why, if you are a business with a service or product, you better make sure you are able to “Mobilize Your Business Model.”
Our panelists are Naveen Mishra, industry principal, ICT, Asia Pacific at Frost & Sullivan; and Nimal Manuel, associate at McKinsey & Co in Kuala Lumpur. Adding a service provider perspective will be Karan Ponnudurai, chief innovation officer of Celcom Bhd.
Sure, we all know that the future is mobile, and that this future is already here. But how many entrepreneurs out there are truly trying to build an enterprise-strength mobile system or network that can disrupt the very way organizations work today, or how we live our lives?
Is it really going to be an ‘app economy’? Is Augmented Reality finally going to work its magic? Is the new Moore’s Law going to be coined around how fast the next and next-after-that versions of Qualcomm’s Snapdragon processors are going to be? Are we going to still be carrying our mobile devices or will we wear them?
Just last night, heading home on the LRT after a start-up event, an entrepreneur told me that he would rather wait for the first mobile-enabled glasses than to buy a traditional smartphone. He was serious too!
So, let’s all bring our ideas of what we think the mobile future will be and how we are going to position our business models, and indeed, our products and services, to take advantage of this.
Because, if your competitor out-mobilizes you, it could be ‘game, set and match.’
To register for the next Disrupt, please go here.
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