Week in Review: Defending the rights of all Malaysian netizens

  • DNA will fight to keep online information flowing freely
  • Netizens need to back us up by being vocal about their rights

Week in Review: Defending the rights of all Malaysian netizensTHE bar has just been reset at Digital News Asia (DNA). While last year’s top story had over 10,000 unique pageviews, the article that Gabey Goh and A. Asohan broke on Thursday, Jan 16, about a story on BBC’s website being blocked, has crossed 15,000 unique pageviews and is still climbing as I write this!
(By the way, you can take part in our contest on Monday, Jan 20, to guess which were our top three stories of 2013. Stay tuned!)
We are now looking at 20,000 unique pageviews as the next bar to aim for. Can we do it? Witnessing close-hand the drive and determination that Gabey and Asohan exhibited in gathering the information required and then crafting a gripping story around the suspected blocking of the BBC article, working through the night until 3:45am when they ran the article, I would not bet against it!
Asohan, whom I feel is becoming one of the champions in keeping Malaysia’s Internet free from censorship, then followed up with a commentary today urging Malaysians and the media to not let go of the matter and to press the authorities.
He singles out the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), urging it to investigate and identify the party that did the actual blocking of said BBC article.
The flow of information to Malaysians ‘cannot be stopped at the whims and fancies of certain people’ is the crux of Asohan’s piece, but do read it yourselves and feel his passion about this issue.
Coincidentally, Edwin Yapp also wrote a commentary on an unrelated issue, in which he argues that technology is neutral and we cannot expect to stop any moral or spiritual concern by banning a technology or communications channel.
My main point here is that DNA will be watching out for and defending the rights of all Malaysian netizens to a free flow of information.
But our job will be made easier if all of you get behind us, vocally.
And also make it a point to attend the DNA-TeAM Disrupt series. Our next one is on Wednesday, Jan 22, on the theme What’s hot (or not) for 2014. Do register if you have not, and I will see you there.
On to other news of the week, we now know that Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary will also be running the airwaves of Malaysia when we turn digital TV on around 2016-2017.
His company, Puncak Semangat Sdn Bhd, was picked to build and operate the Digital Terrestrial TV Broadcast (DTTB) infrastructure. Our story took a different angle than any other story that had run. While every media looked at it as a lucrative deal for Puncak Semangat, we think the business model will actually be very challenging for the company. Have a read if you missed it, and share your thoughts.
There was also a trio of startup stories, with the Founder Institute about to launch its second semester, while there are some developments at two promising startups, Ked.ai and SecQ.me.
And finally, for those of you who want to encourage friends and family members to join the tech ecosystem, share the results of JobStreet’s latest survey which shows that ICT and engineering jobs are among the best paying!
With that, enjoy your weekend, which actually starts today for those enjoying a public holiday for the Hindu festival of Thaipusam.
Not surprisingly, our top story of the week is Net censorship: BBC story on kangkung fiasco blocked?
Editor’s Picks:
Net censorship: BBC story on kangkung fiasco blocked?
The kangkung block: Denial seems to be the best defence
Banning technology just isn’t the right remedy
Ked.ai eyes organic growth, adds Bitcoin to the mix
Digital terrestrial TV tender: So what’s up, really?
Founder Institute to kick off 2nd semester
ICT has among best-paying jobs in Malaysia: JobStreet survey
Previous Instalments:
Week in Review: How do we measure the Minister in 2014?
Week in Review: Stand up and be seen
Week in Review: The glass is more than half full
Week in Review: IP matters, to the tune of RM200m

Week in Review: MSC Malaysia messaging goes amiss?

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