Week in Review
Week in Review: Malaysian big data champion, Fusionex, faces the heat
Fusionex International launches a powerful BDA tool but headlines are all about its proposed delisting.
SEA ripe for ‘massive opportunities’ through digital in next decade
VC firm Jungle Ventures sees massive opportunities for entrepreneurs, leveraging on digital, in SEA over the next decade.
Week in Review: Five years on and I want to keep running
Khailee Ng’s concerns over the physical and emotional wellbeing of founders leads Karamjit Singh to un-censor his owns thoughts as a content-preneur.
Week in Review: Another step forward for the digital ecosystem
Despite a 'smelly' start to his weekly column, Karamjit Singh sees a boost to the digital ecosystem, with both crowdfunding and corporate interest in startups showing positive signs of growing.
Week in Review: A Brick & Mortar giant deepens links to startups
Another Brick & Mortar company reaches out to startups to partner with and create synergy while a startup in Jakarta raises smart money – from a Brick & Mortar.
Week in Review: Taking the pulse of Malaysia’s Digital Economy
DNA launches its inaugural Pulse on Malaysia’s Digital Economy under its Deep Dive series with Karamjit Singh giving it a personal score of 3.5
Week in Review: MyRepublic hits sweet spot with 4th telco bid in Singapore
Broadband market disrupter, MyRepublic, aims to be the new type of telco Singapore needs, its CEO Malcolm Rodrigues says.
Week in Review: More brick-and-mortar companies adapting to digital
An 88-year old billionaire in Indonesia and a 40-something property developer in Malaysia make the case for adopting and adapting to digital, writes Karamjit Singh.
Week in Review: Buying or adopting tech should come later
Organisations that aim to capture the digital opportunity in this age of disruption need to focus on their core before their tech, writes Karamjit Singh.
Week in Review: Legalising Uber and Grab the easy part, what of Airbnb?
Uber and Grab will be legal services in Malaysia but that’s just the easy part. What about Airbnb, wonders Karamjit Singh.