
Yahoo patents Minority Report-style spying technology
NOT content with spying for the US government on its email users, Yahoo now wants to include targeted advertising via smart billboards in its spying arsenal, writes Ajith Ram.  
Can we trust our tech companies?
Yahoo is accused of spying on customers. The Yahoo Mail spam filter was modified into a spying tool. After these revelations, can we really trust any tech company, asks Ajith Ram.
Will China devour the global videogame industry?
Chinese giants like Tencent Holdings are on an acquisition spree in the global videogame market. With China's poor history on privacy and a track record of spying, these acquisitions raise significant concerns, writes Ajith Ram
There are spies in your fibre!
Fibre-optic networks were once thought impervious, but thanks to cheap off-the-shelf equipment, are now open to cyber-espionage and eavesdropping.
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