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Sedition Act

Bread & Kaya: Malaysian cyberlaw updates in 2015
New, complex cases emerged in our courts, and Parliament enacted new laws to combat ‘negativities’ created by social media.  
Malaysian Govt spyware use unconstitutional, call for action
The news that the Malaysian Government uses spyware developed by a Milan-based company called Hacking Team has got an Internet rights organisation calling for an independent probe, while a lawyer pointed out that such use on citizens is unconstitutional.
Malaysia: The velvet glove comes off the iron fist
Malaysia’s ruling coalition, the Barisan Nasional, bulldozed and bullied its way into passing a raft of legislations last week, sending a very clear message to the people it is supposedly sworn to protect and serve: Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Bread & Kaya: How the ‘new’ Sedition Act affects netizens
By the time you read this article, the Sedition (Amendment) Bill 2015 – which seeks to amend the Sedition Act 1948 – will be debated in Parliament. Foong Cheng Leong looks at the implications for Malaysian netizens.
Arrests of journalists: Najib goes one better than Dr M
The arrest of three TMI editors sets a mark: Malaysia now has one of the most repressive regimes in South-East Asia, writes A. Asohan.
Regional Conference on Media and Internet Freedom: Statement
As we conclude a regional conference discussing challenges to media and Internet freedom around Asia, we recognise and express solidarity with the ongoing movement in Malaysia for the repeal of the Sedition Act: The organisers of the Regional Conference on Media and Internet Freedom.
Official Statement: Sedition Act being used against journalists
Arrest of journalist for performing her duties unwarranted Contrary to Malaysia's acceptance of principles of freedom of the press
Bread & Kaya: Liking a Facebook page and the law
The recent report that Malaysian police are investigating a Penang teenager under the Sedition Act 1948 for liking the ‘I love Israel’ Facebook page has raised more than a few eyebrows. DNA columnist Foong Cheng Leong looks at the legal implications.