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Project Loon

Google says committed to building a ‘meaningful Internet’ in Indonesia
Google recently held Google for Indonesia, an event meant to showcase its commitment to helping the country and its people develop, and that it wasn’t seen as merely trying to tap into a market of 250 million people.
Ode to the desktop, or why mobile-first sucks
Sure, smartphones and tablets are great and the mobile Internet has opened up entire new vistas … but A. Asohan argues that the desktop still rules.  
Project Loon: Indonesian ISPs want in on the action
Indonesian Internet providers are complaining about being left out of the recently-announced collaboration between Google Inc’s holding company Alphabet Inc and the republic’s three main operators – PT Indosat Tbk, PT Telkomsel Indonesia, and PT XL Axiata Tbk – to conduct a Project Loon pilot trial.
Ujicoba Project Loon, Google anak tirikan penyedia jasa Internet?
350 penyelenggara jasa internet berharap dilibatkan dalam uji coba Project Loon Penyedia jasa Internet dan operator yang ingin terlibat harus mempelajari skema bisnis
Project Loon to ‘land’ in Indonesia amidst challenges
Google's Project Loon will be ‘landing’ in Indonesia after an agreement was reached with the republic’s three main operators, but industry observers say there are regulatory and other challenges ahead.
Project Loon Google sambangi Indonesia
Uji coba Project Loon menggunakan frekuensi 900MHz milik tiga operator Selama satu tahun akan mengudara di  Sumatera , Kalimantan dan Papua