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Businesses must get ready for the 'future enterprise': Maxis
Committed to accelerating digital transformation across industries, Maxis continues to drive the adoption of transformative enterprise solutions and innovation across economic sectors. 
Maxis forms 5G alliances to accelerate tech breakthroughs
Maxis has formed one of the largest 5G alliances in Malaysia to accelerate technology breakthroughs and IoT enterprise solutions. 
Maxis forays into corporate venture building, investing
Maxis has announced its foray into venture building as part of its overall strategy to invest in and grow tech-driven startups and companies. 
Maxis launches Managed Voice to future proof communications
Maxis has launched Managed Voice, a fully managed IP-PBX solution that allows companies to use their fixed business number on their mobile devices anywhere, with a flexible subscription model to scale at any time. 
Maxis eKelas awards innovative ‘space explorers’ in inaugural STEM competition
Maxis has announced the winners of its first nationwide STEM competition, Misi Jelajah Digital. 
Mobile operators still discussing 5G reference access offer
Malaysian mobile operators have yet to agree to key terms in the Reference Access Offer that was published by Digital Nasional Bhd and see reaching agreement
​​Visionary tech-enabled ideas win second round of Maxis Awards
Maxis has announced the second round of winners for its Maxis Awards.
Malaysian MNOs to discuss next steps with government in DNB 5G shareholding
MNOs to discuss and seek input on details of proposed equity stake offer 5G will bring key benefits to businesses, customers, and Government
Maxis, Teladan Setia bring fibre connectivity to Melaka
Maxis enteres into an agreement with Teladan Setia Sdn Bhd to bring fibre connectivity to residents to one of its townships in the state. 
DNB welcomes govt decision to retain SWN for Malaysian’s 5G rollout with telcos invited to take stake in DNB
To discuss & agree all aspects related to proposed equity participation Extending commercial pilot to 30 June, to aid seamless transition for telcos