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Internet Speeds

Slow Internet speeds damping Malaysia’s digital economy aspirations: MDEC CEO
Malaysia's digital economy aspiration is being dampened by the relatively slow Internet speeds available here, the head of the country’s national ICT custodian admitted.
Connection speeds and broadband adoption: It’s getting better, says Akamai
The global average Internet connection speed increased 12% from the fourth quarter of 2015 to 6.3Mbps, a 23% increase year-over-year (YoY), while global average peak connection speed increased 6.8% to 34.7Mbps in the first quarter, rising 14% YoY, according to Akamai Technologies Inc.
Net speed: Malaysia above average, Singapore breaks threshold
Malaysia recorded peak Internet connection speeds of 30.5 Mbps, higher than the global average of 25.4Mbps, while Singapore became the fourth surveyed Asia Pacific country or region to have an average connection speed above the 10 Mbps ‘high broadband’ threshold, joining Japan, Hong Kong, and South Korea, according to Akamai Technologies Inc.
Ookla results not representative of Net speeds: MCMC
The MCMC has cast doubt on online data published by Ookla, a company that specialises in broadband testing and network diagnostics, which put Malaysia’s broadband speeds as lagging behind its Asean neighbours such as Cambodia and Vietnam.
State of the Internet: Malaysia lags Thailand, but improving
The average speed of broadband connectivity in Malaysia (ranked 71) lags that of Thailand (58), but continues to improve, according to the quarterly State of the Internet Report released by web technologies company Akamai for the third quarter of 2012.