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Human Rights

HITB GSEC: The privacy and security balancing act, or not
The issue of privacy versus civil liberties is not at all clear-cut, Acuity Solutions president Kristin Lovejoy told the HITB GSEC Singapore 2015 conference. Benjamin Cher reports.
Malaysians prefer slow broadband? There’s no choice!
No Malaysian would prefer to have a slower broadband package, if they had a choice – the problem with the situation in Malaysia is that most people lack that choice, writes Dr Shawn Tan.  
MCMC probes The Malaysian Insider over spyware story
The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) said it investigating The Malaysian Insider (TMI) over a story the news portal published on March 14 titled “Malaysia uses spyware against own citizens, NYT reports.”
ICT: Double-edged knife on human rights, says Asia-EU meet
Developments in ICT enhance freedom of expression but come with potential threats to security, privacy, and intellectual property, according to the recent 12th Informal ASEM (Asia-Europe) Seminar on Human Rights, which focused on human rights online, held in Seoul, South Korea.