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Fourth Generation

What does 5G herald for the region?
The GSMA predicts that commercial 5G networks will begin to be widely deployed at the start of the next decade and, by 2025, will provide coverage to a third of the world’s population.
Celcom begins 4G-modernising all its networks across the Klang Valley
Celcom Axiata Bhd said it will kick off a network modernisation exercise at all its Klang Valley sites, for a four-month period beginning June 17.
Jelang komersialkan 4G, Indosat ‘ganti baju’ menjadi Indosat Ooredoo
3 tahun kedepan menargetkan menjadi perusahaan telekomunikasi terbesar Akan ikut lelang frekuensi 2100MHz untuk memperluas cakupan jaringan
Digi throws down the 4G LTE gauntlet: What it really means
Digi claims it now has the widest 4G LTE network in Malaysia, but what does this really mean to its users, given its limited spectrum, and how can it up the ante with its rival looking to swoop? Edwin Yapp has some ideas.
P1 expands coverage to East Coast and East Malaysia
P1 said it has extended its 4G network to the East Coast of West Malaysia, and East Malaysia.
Digi now claims the ‘widest 4G LTE network’ in Malaysia
Once seen as the underdog in the Fourth Generation/ Long-Term Evolution (4G LTE) war, Digi.Com Bhd is now claiming the widest 4G LTE network in Malaysia with its 50% population coverage.
Jaringan 4G LTE XL resmi sambangi Denpasar dan Surabaya
Denpasar dan Surabaya kini didukung jaringan 4G LTE frekuensi 1800MHz Tak lama lagi, layanan serupa juga akan tersedia di Bandung dan Jakarta
Nasib industri telekomunikasi di tengah anjloknya rupiah
Pengaruh lemahnya Rupiah baru terasa 1,5- 2 tahun mendatang Telekomunikasi menjadi kebutuhan primer melebihi makanan
Hadapi era 4G LTE, siapkah ekosistem industri telekomunikasi Tanah Air?
Adopsi teknologi komunikasi 4G (fourth-generation) yang tengah digenjot pemerintah dan industri telekomunikasi mulai memasuki babak baru. Meski komersialisasi akses 4G-LTE belum merata, namun layanan ini secara bertahap bisa dinikmati masyarakat di seluruh Indonesia.
Singtel upgrades 4G and WiFi networks, promises customers surfing boost
Singtel has embarked on upgrades to its 4G (Fourth Generation) and WiFi networks, which it said would give customers a boost to their mobile connectivity.