Felix Foong

The cloud: Three questions all businesses should ask
Vendors owe it to their customers to clarify why their solution is different from those offered by others, writes Microsoft Malaysia’s Felix Foong, who offers three questions that all businesses should ask when evaluating a cloud offering.
The consumer within the enterprise
Embracing and managing the consumerisation of IT takes a people-centric approach and must go beyond simply allowing people to choose which devices they want to use, writes Felix Foong of Microsoft Malaysia.
Connecting the healthcare dots with big data
Health organisations of all sizes are using technology to address key challenges such as managing the increasing complexity of data to keep citizens healthy with limited or declining resources, with big data driven insights, writes Felix Foong of Microsoft Malaysia.
Make your data work for you
We live in a transformational time particularly in relation to data and how that impacts business, writes Felix Foong of Microsoft Malaysia.
What’s your data story?
Data platforms that allow companies of any size to create a ‘data culture’ and ensure insights reach every individual in the organisation, will harness greater business value from their company data, writes Microsoft Malaysia’s Felix Foong.
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