Malaysian team wins inaugural global datathon
Participants faced real-world challenges of companies by performing temporal, spatial and predictive analysis.
CADS and PSDC to elevate expertise in AI
Alliance will contribute towards strengthening the innovation capacity and capability of the country.
CADS to drive Malaysia towards US$32bil AI market
Has developed the CADS AI Talent Framework.
SAS hires industry veteran to lead in Malaysia
Cheam Tat Inn will drive growth, enable organisations to realise business value through advanced analytics, AI and machine learning.
No shady business behind ADAX
DNA finds the governance structure behind the Asean Data Analytics eXchange (ADAX) to be robust despite contrary claims, with a Big 4 accounting firm further providing recommendations on strengthening governance.
Sarawak set to become a data driven state
Collaboration between CADS and the SCOPE will see the development of 2,500 data professionals by 2022.
GE14: Sheer lucky coincidences or brilliant yet subtle social media strategising by PH?
The full report on the Malaysia GE14 Sentiment Analysis Study shows the power of social media and analytics.
Week in Review: Using GE14 to illustrate the power of data and machine learning
CADS uses data and machine learning algorithms to see patterns from Twitter-verse about Malaysia’s GE14.
Machine learning algorithms dive into GE14 battle on Twitter-verse
Data analytics can leverage upon morally-ethical data sources and still produce highly-impactful, game-changing insights.
Aiming to be winners in the Digital Economy
The third group of DNA's Digerati50 are introduced to readers. These are people who are are trying to make a difference and help shape Malaysia's Digital Economy.