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Budget 2015

11th Malaysia Plan: Broadband gets some love
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak announced six key thrusts under the 11th Malaysia Plan (11MP) to ensure the country hits its target of becoming a developed nation by 2020, and also announced further moves to expand high-speed broadband (HSBB) availability in the country.
Malaysia’s budget cuts: IT sector to feel the pain
The Malaysian Government’s move to cut its growth forecast and revise its national budget for 2015 to take into account tumbling global crude oil prices is expected to have an impact on several areas in the ICT sector, according to industry observers.
TM awarded contract for ‘1Malaysia’ submarine cable system
TM announced that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has awarded it a contract, via an open tender process, to develop and construct a new submarine cable system, called Sistem Kabel Rakyat 1Malaysia (the ‘1Malaysia People’s Cable System,’ or SKR1M).
Many tech startup gems in Malaysia: Proficeo
Malaysians have every reason to be proud of local startups and technology entrepreneurs as many of them are doing a great job locally and internationally, according to Proficeo Consultants Sdn Bhd.
Pikom to allow individual membership in 2015
A platform for ICT professionals to gather and share ideas To present recommendations to grow ICT sector to relevant authorities soon
Plugging the great startup drain
What happens when startups up-and-leave the country after getting their Series A or B funding, especially after getting their start via public funds?
MaGIC gets a Budget 2015 boost
Some startup and entrepreneur incentives in Budget 2015 only apply to MaGIC Good first step, but more must be done to attract global entrepreneurs: Pundits
Budget 2015: What's good, what's not-so-good
Industry players generally welcome initiatives and goodies Gaps in making Malaysia preferred destination for entrepreneurs IN its proposed national budget for 2015, the Malaysian Government announced several incentives and measures that directly or indirectly would be of benefit to the ICT ecosystem, but some industry players believe that more could have been done to further grow the ecosystem.  
Budget 2015: Research incentives, goodies for startups
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak tabled his Budget 2015 proposal in Parliament today (Oct 10), where he announced human capital development and entrepreneurship as one of seven core strategies to move the country forward.
Week in Review: Picking yourself up from a stumble, and MOL
Malaysian eyes will be on the Budget 2015 proposal being tabled on Oct 10, while a few will be wondering about MOL Global’s disappointing debut on Nasdaq – but after all, entrepreneurship sometimes is about picking yourself up from a stumble and having another go, writes DNA executive editor A. Asohan.