WeChat hits Malaysian milestone
WeChat hits Malaysian milestone
WeChat hits Malaysian milestone
- WeChat user base in Malaysia has grown 400% in 5 months
- A Bahasa Melayu version is in the pipeline to expand the app’s local reach
CHINA-based Tencent has announced that its social networking mobile application WeChat has surpassed 400% growth since it became available in Malaysia in June.
“We are very proud to achieve a great and healthy base of subscribers in the Malaysian market with just five months,” said Louis Song, country manager for Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, Tencent International Business Group.
"Our team is committed to continuously improve the user experience and this will definitely be the impetus for WeChat to achieve even greater heights," he added.
The application, formerly known as WeiXin and rebranded as WeChat, has a total of 200 million subscribers globally and now claims to have garnered a strong contender position against WhatsApp, another social messaging platform.
Available on iPhone, Android Phone, Windows Phone and Symbian platforms, WeChat offers a suite of communication tools which includes instant text and voice messaging, phone and contact information sharing, video calling and social networking plugins.
The application supports up to 17 languages including English, Chinese, Indonesian, Portuguese, Thai, Vietnamese and Russian. Tencent said it is working towards offering Bahasa Melayu for a wider reach in Malaysia.
The WeChat platform also boasts patronage by local celebrities and personalities such as Amber Chia, Daphne Iking, Hannah Tan, Agnes Lim and Danny One.
For more information, click here.
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