MyDigital Progress Report 2021 paints picture of strong achievements
MyDigital Progress Report 2021 paints picture of strong achievements
MyDigital Progress Report 2021 paints picture of strong achievements
- Key feature of initiative, crucial to its success is Whole-of-Nation approach
- Target of 875k MSMEs to adopt e-commerce by 2025, has been 83% achieved
MyDigital Corporation unveiled today the MyDigital Progress Report 2021 that charts the progress and achievements made by the Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint (MDEB) for the last 10 months.
MDEB was launched in February last year as a crucial initiative in realising the Twelfth Malaysia Plan 2021-2015 (12MP), with the objective to transform Malaysia into a digitally enabled and technology-driven high-income nation in three phases by 2030. Despite the challenges in the past year brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, much progress has been made after the end of Phase 1 (2021 – 2022).
MDEB is delivered via six strategic thrusts, 22 strategies, 48 national initiatives and 28 sectoral initiatives. These initiatives are segmented according to six clusters: Economy, Digital Talent, Digital Infrastructure and Data, Society, Emerging Technology, and Government.
“The objective of the Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint is to generate inclusive, responsible, and sustainable socioeconomic development through a vibrant digital economy and ecosystem. Since the launch of the blueprint in February and the subsequent unveiling of the National Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) Policy in July, I am pleased to share that the various initiatives and programmes are well underway, and we are on track to achieve a digital economy that can contribute at least 25.5 percent to our national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2025,” said Fabian Bigar (pic), Chief Executive Officer of MyDigital Corporation.
During the year, the digital market in Malaysia grew by 47% to US$21 billion (RM87.8 billion) from US$14 billion (RM58.5 billion) previously, driven by the growth in e-commerce where sales rose by 68%1. Digital consumers have also increased to 88 percent of the population last year, with 46 percent of the population currently making online purchases.
In the same period, mobile Internet coverage increased to 95% under the Jalinan Digital Negara plan (JENDELA) with 5G now available in parts of Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Cyberjaya2.
Efforts to boost the usage of e-payments for merchants and consumers were also successful, with an estimate of 216 e-payment transactions per capita achieved in 2021. Payment facilities have also increased substantially last year, with 36 payment facilities per 1,000 users successfully achieved.
Through the various public and private initiatives to boost adoption of e-commerce among micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME), 235,327 new MSMEs were added last year to the cumulative total of 725,285 businesses that have embraced e-commerce. This achievement currently translates to 83 percent of the target of reaching 875,000 MSMEs by 2025.
Malaysia continues to be a destination for high value digital investments, with a total of RM16.5 billion in digital investments approved by the government in 2021, on track to achieving the RM70 billion investment target by 2025.
[RM1 = US$0.239]
Last year, 1.3 million higher education students were able to purchase affordable device and plan packages through collaboration with private sector service providers, enabling connectivity and access to online learning. 4.4 million students were able enjoy distance learning via the Digital Educational Learning Initiative Malaysia (DELIMa) platform as part of efforts to ensure students have access to digital learning facilities.
The Cabinet and all state governments have agreed to recognise communications services as a public utility in 2021. All states in Malaysia have agreed to adopt the Communications Infrastructure Planning Guidelines (GPP-I) as the main reference to ensure that digital infrastructure planning can be planned in a more orderly fashion, is inclusive and has a balanced aesthetic value.
According to an internal report by the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU), 78 percent of all federal ministries, departments and statutory bodies offered cashless payment options in 2021. 68 percent of government services are End-to-End (E2E) as of last year, where the services are implemented entirely online from start to finish.
24 pilot sites were identified and implemented under the Smart Manufacturing Intelligent Service Platform (SMISP) programme in 2021, a technology lab and collaboration platform via public-private partnerships. The sites are integrating technology solutions to facilitate the adoption of Industry 4.0 technology among manufacturers.
[Ed: A previous version had a table of the 24 pilot sites. It has since been removed on request of MyDigital.]
Fabian said, “The most critical feature of the Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint initiative that is crucial to its success is the Whole-of-Nation approach that the blueprint has adopted. Under this approach, participation of all stakeholders is highly welcomed to enable the nation to realise the benefits and overcome the challenges of digitalisation.”
“The aim of this approach is to for everyone to come and work together towards achieving the vision and objectives set in the Blueprint and 4IR Policy, while ensuring no one is left behind and that key economic, social and environmental challenges are recognised and addressed,” he added.
Despite the relatively slow start in 2021 due to restrictions and challenges posed by the pandemic, all initiatives are on track thanks to the unwavering effort of the implementing agencies and the private sector. MyDigital Corporation will continue to support and facilitate their implementation in 2022 and beyond.
The MyDigital Progress Report 2021 is available to download at