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MaGIC-TPM now MRANTI | Digital News Asia




  • In line with Malaysia's technology commercialization catalyst agenda
  • Develop future workforce & accelerate adoption of technology & innovation

(L2R) Deputy Mosti Minister Ahmad Amzad, Mosti Minister Dr Adham Baba, Mosti chief secretary Zainal Abidin with Dzuleira Abu Bakar at the MRANTI launch.

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) today announced the formation of the Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology and Innovation (MRANTI), through the merger of two agencies under MOSTI, Technology Park Malaysia and MaGIC.

MRANTI is expected to operate next year in line with the country's technology commercialization catalyst agenda through the Technology Commercialization Accelerator in driving Malaysia's economic growth through science, technology and innovation (STI-E).

At the MRANTI announcement today, Dr Adham Baba, Minister of Mosti explained, "The main mission of MRANTI is to facilitate the process of generating ideas to the generation of impact through the creation, development and commercialization of technology and innovation."

The establishment of MRANTI under the TCA program is in line with the strategy under the policy catalyst to develop the future workforce and accelerate the adoption of technology and innovation outlined in the Twelfth Malaysia Plan (12MP).

“Through MRANTI, Return on Ideas or return from ideas generally refers to the exchange of knowledge to fiscal turnover. MRANTI was established as a technology and innovation launch platform to help enterprises, researchers and inventors maximize the return of ideas at a faster rate, by optimizing synergies.”

In addition to offering capacity building programs and assistance to penetrate the market, MRANTI will also offer prototype facilities and live test fields as well as other infrastructure facilities and services to researchers and innovators.

During the launch, several Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) were signed, including:

  1. TPM and University of Malaya, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Universiti Teknologi MARA and Universiti Sains Malaysia;
  2. MaGIC and the Malaysian Academy of Science Neutral Entities, namely Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science and Technology (CREST), Halal Development Corporation (HDC), Nano Malaysia Bhd and the International Center for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF); and
  3. Mosti and the Malaysian Intellectual Property Corporation (MyIPO).

These MoUs aim to encourage the transfer of technology from laboratories to industry which will lead to the commercialization of intellectual property and research and development (R&D) results from the academia.

The MoU between Mosti and MyIPO is a collaboration in the sharing of Intellectual Property data which is permitted under the provisions of the existing Intellectual Property Legislation. The MoU also covers the sharing of funding data by Mosti, as well as encouraging the use of the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Marketplace portal as an intellectual property trading platform among Malaysian intellectual property owners who receive funding from Mosti.

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