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Mac owners more likely to use social networks for dating

  • Mac lovers are more likely to reveal their relationship status (83%) on social networking sites
  • 46% said their relationships had improved thanks to social networks


Mac owners more likely to use social networks for dating


IN THE run-up to Valentine's Day, Kaspersky Lab had identified the peculiarities of romantic behaviour on social networks. It turns out those users who mostly access the Internet on a Mac desktop stand out for their greater displays of amorousness on social networks.

Relationships begin with an introduction. Here, according to a survey, the owners of Mac computers are the undisputed leaders among users of various devices: 14% of them admit they use social networks to find a date, while 11% use such sites to look for sexual partners.

This is twice as many as the average for all respondents (8% and 5% respectively). It comes as no surprise then that to achieve their goals, Mac lovers are more likely to reveal their relationship status (83% vs. 63%) and sexual orientation (70% vs. 44%) on social networking sites.

 Also, Mac users are more likely to talk about their romantic activities on social networks, with a third (31%) stating that they would readily do so. The average for this parameter came to just over 16%.

 How do social networks affect the personal lives of those who already have a partner? Almost half the respondents (46%) said their relationships had improved thanks to social networks.

Mac users are the happiest in this respect too – among them this proportion reaches 68%. This may be due to the fact that Mac users prefer to communicate with their partners via social networks: 45% of them choose this mode of communication with their loved ones, while the average figure for all respondents was just 36%.

 "We have failed to notice just how virtual activities have started to affect our lives, including relationships with our loved ones. Of course, in some situations, social networks are a real blessing: they allow us to communicate more with people who cannot always be with us physically. But we shouldn’t forget about the risks of this sort of communication: relationships can be spoiled or even destroyed by social networks, so we should be very careful about what we share with friends and how it may affect them,” says Andrey Mochola, head of Consumer Business at Kaspersky Lab. 

 To avoid being infected with something more dangerous than just ‘love fever’, Kaspersky Lab experts recommend always using reliable protection.  
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