Author: Benjamin Cher

A closer look at Vuclip’s emerging market strategy
US-based Vuclip, which is offering a VOD service with Hong Kong’s PCCW Media in SEA, thinks it has the upper hand in emerging markets, according to its CEO Nickhil Jakadar .
So what does the CISO really do?
A CISO needs to connect the boardroom to the server room, while still allowing innovation to flourish – with security embedded in it!
IT security spending: A budget drain or a necessary drag?
IT budgets are a finite resource while cybersecurity spending seems to be constantly ballooning. What’s a poor CIO to do?
Barghest wants to help buildings go green, and has more up its sleeve
Energy startup Barghest helps you save money by optimising central HVAC systems, and is aiming to do more, writes Benjamin Cher.
Customer engagement requires disruptive thinking, not just disruptive tech
In today’s world of digital touchpoints, disruptive technologies must be met by equally disruptive thinking, says a NICE Systems senior exec.
Your next car is probably going to be hacked … no, really!
The connected car of the future will be vulnerable to hackers, so how are car manufacturers going to cope with this new reality?
Open source: It’s about the community, says Red Hat exec
Open source may no longer be an outlier technology, but much still has to be done for companies to fully embrace the open source community, which includes giving back.
Singapore’s Internet cutoff: The why and how of it
The Singapore Government’s decision to cut off Internet access from all civil servants’ computers was not taken lightly, says the head of the agency in charge of it, Jacqueline Poh.
New agency aims to be a ‘govt startup’ for Singapore’s Smart Nation
Singapore has merged its ICT and media agencies, and spun off a new agency to oversee government ICT. Benjamin Cher talks to the new GovTech chief Jacqueline Poh to find out what exactly its role is.
PayPal launches Innovation Lab in Singapore, first outside the US
US payments giant PayPal has launched an innovation lab in Singapore that will collaborate with government agencies, SMEs, startups and academia.
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